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Hope for Happiness

So this week, a little bit of progress has been made on my 20% time project. My partner and I sat down and had a meeting to brainstorm and solidify our ideas.

After further deliberation, we decided an app was not the best project idea, at least for the time being. We both looked at our schedules and decided we did not have time to devote to creating an app. Instead, we are now going to start with an Instagram, that could eventually turn into a larger brand with a website and app. Right now it is called HopeforHappiness123, but we are taking suggestions for better names. Let me tell you though, it is hard to come up with a name for a company or product! Like it might be harder than the actual work needed to complete the project.

Otherwise, we would like for our project to be a creative space where people can submit their little daily video (Boomerang-style?) and we will post them to the Instagram and share other people's stories. Similarly to what I said in my last post, we want to change the culture of social media to a place where people are free to share what was good in their day. Some people might say "That is what Finstas are for!" But Finstagrams are private, where only your best friends can see what you post. Hope for Happiness (tentative name) will be a place where any and everyone can see what you post. It won't be full biographies, but cute, little cinematic videos.

Wow! Each week when I do these blog posts, I cringe at how cheesy I sound, but this is something I am actually passionate about, so I hope it turns out the way I envision it will. I want other people to be as invested in my project as me and my partner are. Which is why finding a mentor for the project is going to be extremely difficult now. Once we took the app idea away, an entire network of people was eliminated from our choosing. Again we are totally open to suggestions if you know anyone. But, my goals for this next week are to actually find a mentor, come up with an official name, start posting, and also finding other contributors that can add to our little project.

Here is a link to an article that has some of the cutest Instagrams ever and it would be a huge goal of mine to make my posts this aesthetically pleasing

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